Spring 2008
15 – Documentary Film Premiere on UNC-TV: Senator No: Jesse Helms
23 – Film and Symposium: Joel Williamson and the Meaning of Southern History
28 – Film Screening: Durham: A Self-Portrait
29 – Hutchins Lecture: Danielle McGuire, CSAS Postdoctoral Fellow, “Rape and the Roots of the Montgomery Bus Boycott”
5 – Hutchins Lecture: Louis M. Kyriakoudes, Associate Professor of History, University of Southern Mississippi, “What Does the Cigarette Epidemic in the American South Tell Us about Global Tobacco Control Today?”
26 – Hutchins Lecture: Stephen Inrig, CSAS Postdoctoral Fellow, “Jesse Helms and the Contours of American AIDS Policy”
18 – Hutchins Lecture: Amy Wood, Associate Professor of History, Illinois State University, “Lynching, Spectacle, and Cinema, 1900-1940”
25- Hutchins Lecture: Thavolia Glymph, Assistant Professor of African and African American Studies, Duke University, “Gender, War, and Violence: Enslaved Women and the Armies of the Civil War”
5 – Southern Research Circle 2008: UNC Interdisciplinary Conference for Graduate Research on the American South
8 – Hutchins Lecture: Katherine Mellen Charron, Assistant Professor of History, North Carolina State University, “Teaching Citizenship: Septima Poinsett Clark and the Role of Education in the Black Freedom Struggle”
19 – Southern Research Circle 2008: UNC Interdisciplinary Conference for Graduate Research on the American South