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In this talk, Brown will introduce her new research project, The Subaltern School, in which she undertakes a global socio-historical examination of segregated schooling. In the spirit of the CSAS colloquia, she will “tell about two Souths”: that of the U.S. South and that of South Africa, through their shared struggles over how we “do” history in this integrated, “post-racial” era. Focusing on the current battles over commemorative monuments on college campuses, she will share insights from the #RhodesMustFall movement in South Africa to open a discussion about the current protests over Silent Sam.

Karida Brown is a visiting scholar in UNC’s Department of Sociology. She received her PhD in Sociology from Brown University, and her dissertation received the 2017 American Sociological Association Best Dissertation Award. For more information about the Eastern Kentucky African American Migration Project (EKAAMP), click here.

This event is free and open to the public, but RSVPs to will be appreciated. Light refreshments will be served.

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