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The Center for the Study of the American South and Memory Lane Productions are proud to present The Editor and the Dragon, narrated by Morgan Freeman.

In 1953, UNC graduate Horace Carter earned a Pulitzer Prize for Meritorious Public Service for his reporting on the Ku Klux Klan. Carter persevered in the face of death threats, including those against his family, and used the editorial authority of North Carolina’s Tabor City Tribune to protest the Klan’s racist rhetoric and vigilantism. Carter’s bold reporting and the unwavering integrity of his editorials helped lead to the first federal intervention in the South during that era and to the arrest and conviction of nearly 100 klansmen.

View the trailer, discover educational resources, and find information about local screenings here. And don’t miss the film’s premiere on UNC-TV on January 9 at 10:00 pm. More information about the schedule is available here, and a map describing how to access UNC-TV across North Carolina is posted here!


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